Routine Exams

Dental Services

Routine Checkups

When you come in for your first exam, you will meet with Dr. Wehby to discuss his philosophy of dentistry and ask him any questions that you may have. After that, he will do a comprehensive exam including panoramic digital x-rays, a full oral exam and a cosmetic evaluation.

He will also do a smile analysis, which includes evaluations of teeth grinding and TMJ,an acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the mandible to the skull, resulting in significant pain and impairment.
Dental Services

Routine Checkups

When you come in for your first exam, you will meet with Dr. Wehby to discuss his philosophy of dentistry and ask him any questions that you may have. After that, he will do a comprehensive exam including panoramic digital x-rays, a full oral exam and a cosmetic evaluation.

He will also do a smile analysis, which includes evaluations of teeth grinding and TMJ,an acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the mandible to the skull, resulting in significant pain and impairment.

Dental Services

Gentle, Thorough Teeth Cleaning

At Wehby Facial & Dental Aesthetics it’s easy and convenient to get an appointment for a cleaning. Our hygienists will take very good care of you, and make sure that your smile is clean and bright.

Regular cleanings prevent decay and preserve the health and well-being of your gums, as well as your teeth. Good oral hygiene is important to prevent a variety of dental and medical problems. Recent research has shown that the bacteria present in gum disease are also found in the plaques clogging arteries in people with heart disease.

Therefore, a good professional cleaning is essential not only for the health of your teeth, but also for your general well-being. We suggest that you come in for an exam and thorough cleaning every 6 months to best maintain your oral health.

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Ensuring Beautiful, Genuine Smiles.

Visit Wehby Facial & Dental Aesthetics for your next appointment.